Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Citizens React Regarding Downtown Fort Worth Gunplay Of Texas Governor Rick Perry & Fort Worth Mayor Mike Moncrief

I thought it was maybe only me who thought the Governor of Texas and the Mayor of Fort Worth indulging in gunplay in downtown Fort Worth was a bit nuts.

But, this morning there were three letters to the editor in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram regarding the Governor and the Mayor playing with guns in downtown Fort Worth.

I can't help but wonder, how many instances of extremely bad judgment will it take for the voters of Fort Worth to quit electing Mike Moncrief as their mayor with 70% of the vote of the 6% of the voters who bother to vote?

I've given up on the idea that Moncrief is ever going to come to grief over his conflicts of interest crimes, as in being on the take to the Barnett Shale Natural Gas Drillers running roughshod over Fort Worth in cahoots with the corrupt mayor.

At this point in time, with so much crime, I'm starting to think the FBI is on the take too. If a city government can get so corrupted, why would it stop there?

Anyway, below are the three letters to the editor about the Governor/Mayor Shootout in downtown Fort Worth...

Not-so-hot shots

It is disturbing to have the governor of Texas and the mayor of Fort Worth pictured on the front page of the Star-Telegram waving guns for all the world to see. This is a negative message about guns, and it makes Texans look like fools.

Texans are not always viewed in the most positive light when it comes to guns, and this reinforces negative stereotypes.

-- Johnnie Skinner, Fort Worth

Did anyone else think it ironic that Perry is shooting blanks?

-- Ross Bannister, Grapevine

Even though they were firing blanks, doesn't this tell the celebrants on New Year's, July Fourth, etc., who love to fire their guns in the air using real bullets that it is quite all right because our mayor and governor do it? What were these guys thinking?

-- Paul Thomas, Fort Worth

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