Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Anonymous Tacoma Informants Are Wrong About Toxic Fat

I am starting to grow a tad weary of messages from my Tacoma Informants. Some of it is just a tad too mean spirited. Now, I am not squeamish when it comes to mean spiritedness. Sometimes being a bit mean spirited is just what a situation calls for.

I think I need to clarify, for my Anonymous Tacoma Informants, my actual attitude towards the entity known as Toxic Tacoma Person #1, aka Fubbo.

The tone of the messages from the ATI (Anonymous Tacoma Informants) is that they basically think I hate Fubbo.

This is not the case. Yes, I've been appalled by Fubbo's behavior, offput by it, with my delicate feelers (term stolen from Gar the Texan) hurt by the behavior. But, hating Fubbo never entered the equation. It is more a thing of feeling sorry for the girl and her self-destructive, self-defeating ways. That and I do not like chronic lying.

So, this morning the ATI tells me that Fubbo is doing some heavy duty lying on her blog in a blogging about being fat due to eating a lot to cover her shame. Or something like that. And then the ATI got mean spirited, saying Fubbo was lying about having been non-fat in her earlier days.

Well, I can vouch for that fact, the non-fat fact. The ATI's are wrong in thinking Fubbo is lying about her skinny past. In the picture at the top you are looking at Fubbo, years before she became toxic and bigger. That is me, standing next to Fubbo, also years before I became toxic and bigger.

That picture was taken in front of the Boot Hill Cemetery in Virginia City, Nevada. We were staying in Reno, having driven there in Fubbo's little rotary motor Mazda car.

The second picture, where Fubbo is being all Betty Grable with her right leg, surrounded by snow, is at Crater Lake. That is Big Ed next to Fubbo, on the left, and Miss JW on the right.

As recently as April of 2006, Fubbo was significantly smaller than the 2008 and, I assume, the 2010, version. She'd been going to Weight Watchers and was looking good and healthy. After that she was hit with a family woe that would stress anyone, with her coping mechanism being to seek comfort in food, with Fubbo being the eventual result.

So, there you have it, my Anonymous Tacoma Informants, photo documentation of the Thin Fubbo. Now let's have ourselves an Informant Moratorium for awhile. Unless you come up with some really good material.


  1. Top photo looks like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid...don't think that is Katherine Ross though. Ahhh to be young and thin again.

  2. I guess that would make me Butch Cassidy. In a Disneyland T-shirt. I thought I never wore T-shirts with advertising on them. Faulty memory.

  3. ATI here. Thank you for the photos documenting proving a skinny past! Who know? Well, I guess you did.
