Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Herds Of Turtles Today At Veterans Park In Arlington With A Bright Yellow Wildflower & A Detoxifying Wild Woman

In the picture you are looking at a herd of Turtles resting precariously on the banks of the Veterans Pond at Veterans Park in Arlington, today, under a cloudy noon sky.

The Turtles in Veterans Pond appeared to be organized into two competing gangs. With one Gang being the bank dwellers you see here and the other Turtle Gang controlling the opposite side of the pond, while occupying a big log.

A couple Turtles were doing underwater surveillance, occasionally periscoping their heads out of the water, to make sure, I assume, that no enemy Turtles were encroaching on their Turtle Territory.

I don't think these are a different brand than the Toxic Turtle that tried to kill me in July of 2002 in Lake Grapevine. The malevolent reptile was big. And fast.

Speaking of Toxic. I learned this morning that Betty Jo Bouvier, aka The Wild Woman of Woolley, is trying to tone down some of her Wildness by going through some sort of 12-step Detoxification Program. Betty Jo may be the least toxic person I've ever known, so it will be interesting to see what she's like after this Detoxification process works its magic on her.

In the meantime, in a Show of Solidarity with Betty Jo, I am drinking some De-Tox Tea. I don't know how well it is working. I'm still feeling plenty toxic.

I almost forgot to mention. I saw a new Wildflower today blooming at Veterans Park. By new, I mean, new to my eyes, this Texas Wildflower season.

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