Tuesday, April 20, 2010

GASLAND The Movie May 12 At The Modern Art Museum In Fort Worth

May 12 you've got to join me and Sundance Film Festival Special Jury Prize Winner, Josh Fox, for a showing of GASLAND the movie at the Modern Art Museum in Fort Worth.

This is going to be a BIG party, starting at 5:30 pm. Open to all. With a cash bar and snacks. The movie starts screening at 6:30 pm in the Modern's Movie Auditorium.

Movie tickets are $15. After the movie you can hang out with Josh Fox and ask him anything you want to ask.

At 8:30 pm the VIP After Party starts up. Members of Texas OGAP (Oil & Gas Accountability Project) and Josh Fox will be in attendance. You also can attend the VIP After Party. The entry fee is $100. That $100 covers your movie ticket.

All proceeds from the Gasland Event go to benefit Texas OGAP.

You can RSVP by going to the Gasland Earth Works Action Website.

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