Thursday, April 15, 2010

WFAA-TV Sports Anchor Dale Hansen Comes To Jerry Jones' Drunken Defense

Yesterday afternoon Elsie Hotpepper pointed me to a funny rant by a TV sports anchor named Dale Hansen, ranting on ABC's Dallas affiliate WFAA-TV about how outrageous it was that someone violated Jerry Jones' personal privacy via cell phone video.

By mid-morning yesterday people from all over the world were Googling for the video of Jerry Jones' public drunken verbalizing about Tim Tebow, Bill Parcells and Dallas Quarterback, Tony Romo.

Dale Hansen takes issue with all the bloggers out there in blogland blogging about something like Jerry Jones' public drunkenness, as if it is legitimate news. Hansen pretty much makes a solid case that this is a serious offense to humanity and all that is decent.

My thinking on this is this. If Jerry Jones wants to get drunk in a public bar, he should do so. But he should do so realizing that it is possible that he might be videotaped. And since he is sort of a public figure, in these parts, if Jerry Jones gets caught on video, drunk, trash talking, well, that is news, just like any other random train wreck.

You can listen to Dale Hansen rant his case below...

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