Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Dawn Of A Toxic Texas Headache

That is an accurate self portrait of me this morning. I woke up with a headache. It's been years since I woke up with a headache. I used to get headaches way too frequently, but that was a long time ago.

I hope this morning's headache is not a harbinger of a return to chronic headaches. I will be very unhappy if that is the case.

When I woke up this morning I found the wounds on my right fist were freshly bloodied. I have no recollection of having another nightmare in which I punched my bedroom wall.

Had that occurred I would have woke up after hitting the wall. At least that is what I assume would happen.

I put in a call to my therapist, Dr. L.C., hoping that she might be able to somehow medicate this pain away. Unable to reach Dr. L.C., I asked Elsie Hotpepper to try and track her down. I'm that desperate.

I think worrying about the Queen of Wink may be what gave me a headache. The Q of W has had a bigger litany of woe than my puny litany of woe, of late. But she did get some good news yesterday. I don't know if this good news will cause the Queen to re-think her current plan of not attending the Prairie Fest in a little over a week.

I just glanced over to my other monitor because I saw incoming email coming in. I can see in the subject line that Travelocity has a flight to Phoenix for $238. I probably should go book a flight to go see my mom and dad, sister, nephews, brother, brother and sister-in-laws.

I have 8 siblings, siblings-in-law and parental units living in the Phoenix zone. I'd not realized, til thinking about it right now, that the majority of my closest relatives no longer live in Washington.

I am hoping going to the best place to stand in Fort Worth, the Tandy Hills, cures me of my head pain. Swimming was of no use, in that regard, this morning.

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