Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Tandy Hills Are Coming Alive With The Sight Of Color

I am back from taking the Tandy Hills Natural Sanitarium Area headache cure.

The cure did not work. Now I'm hoping lunch takes the pain away. I made Poblano Corn Potato Turkey Soup this morning. With a lot of Garlic. I'm sure it'll have a very medicinal effect.

If that does not work, maybe a nap will cure me. I think I've mentioned previously my inability to take a nap. Well, a few weeks ago that ability returned. Why? I don't know.

The 2010 Tandy Hills Prairie Fest is only about 10 days away, Saturday, April 24. I was pleased yesterday to see that the bags of trash, that had been collected awhile back by the Brush Bashers, have been picked up.

The Tandy Hills seem to have finally gotten the memo that it is time to color up the place. I saw a lot of wildflowers making their first appearance of the year, today.

I've no idea what these stalks of pink wildflowers are called. I'm sure someone, somewhere, does know the proper name. What I do know is they are a very spectacular wildflower.

I saw the above wildflower in only one location. It'll likely be popping out all over in the coming days. It seems like I should know the name of this guy, but my failing memory woe is preventing me from accessing that information.

Okay, it is time to take the soup headache cure. I hope it works. I don't like feeling this miserable.


  1. Wildflowers are very beautiful and they are most spectacularly beautiful when different varieties collude to color a field in a manner that many artists hope to duplicate, but very rarely achieve.

  2. That flower is Penstemon cobea. One common name is Foxglove. There are many good patches of it in Tandy Hills and other places around North Texas.

    Thanks for all your good write-ups about Tandy Hills!

  3. Oh, and the purple-colored ones are Indian Paintbrush, probably Castilleja indivisa.
