Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Warm Wednesday April Day In Texas Talking To My Mommy & Sister

The picture you are looking at is a good metaphor for my current mindset. Half bright blue sky with a few clouds, half dark and murky.

The wind has blown the pollution from the Fort Worth sky, up north to Oklahoma, so the view of the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Fort Worth, as seen from the best place to stand in Fort Worth, the Tandy Hills, is relatively clear, at around 5, in the late afternoon, Wednesday, this mid April, 80 degree day.

I love a sentence with a lot of commas.

I'm going swimming as soon as I finish this blogging. I've been swimming twice a day, of late, as part of my Rejuvenation Plan. That and my pool will soon be drained and not swimmable, due to being re-lined. So, enjoy it while I can.

Elsie Hotpepper sent me an interesting letter today. I am still processing what to make of it. I may be able to share the contents of this letter, soon, if permission is granted.

I was up in Hurst, today, around noon, with 45 minutes to kill before a 1 o'clock appointment. So, I called my favorite sister, she being the one who lives in the Phoenix zone, about 5 miles from my favorite mom.

I had a good long talk with my sister. She caused me to laugh the hardest I have laughed in days. Without going into the specific details, suffice to say my sister was mis-identified as a cougar in relationship to her eldest son, my nephew, CJ.

After talking to my Phoenix sister I called my mommy. This was a rare call, because I had not gotten gas. Mom did not even ask how much gas cost. That was odd. She did ask how HOT it was. And when I was coming to Phoenix. I told my mom about my coming to Phoenix scheme and my moving to Las Vegas scheme. My mom seemed to like my schemes.

Lately when I talk to my mom she laughs a lot and is quite talkative. I hear reports from others who do not have a similar experience. It vexes me. I will admit, I am fun to talk to on the phone. It is one of my attributes which I willingly own.

The A/C just turned off. I think this means I need to go swimming now.

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