Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Handling Toxic Tacoma People While Buffered In Texas

I was having myself a fine time yesterday, a good day.

Until sometime around 5 in the afternoon.

I got hit with a dose of Toxic Tacoma. I thought I'd done a pretty good job of isolating the Tacoma Toxins, beginning when I returned here, August 20, 2008, thoroughly contaminated, with the worst bout of Toxic People Poisoning I'd ever been subjected to.

I thought the Firewalls and Filters I'd employed had isolated me from the Tacoma Toxins, until a couple months ago, when the worst of the Tacoma Toxic People reared its Ugly Head in a Toxic Intrusion into my Texas World.

And then, yesterday, I learned that the Toxic Intrusions have been far more nefarious, diabolical, insidious and twisted than my weak imagination had thought possible.

I know no Toxic People in Texas. Most of the people I know in Washington are not Toxic. I need to figure out how to eliminate the Tacoma Toxicity once and for all. Right now I am coming up blank as to how to do so.

If you Google "Toxic People" you come up with an awful lot of useful information. The last time I blogged about Toxic People I got a lot of comments thanking me for bringing this subject up, as it came as a revelation, to some, that one can identify this syndrome and eliminate it from ones life, that to not do so is like letting a malignant cancer continue to grow, without doing all you can to kill it.

One of the Toxic People websites had a list of the 4 main Toxic People traits....

1. Muckrakers: These negative spirits live to drag up old painful events and then revel in the anger, resentment, or bitterness that such unhappy memories hold. Stay away from any spirit, in others or in yourself, that wants you to dive into some suffering over what happened in any past moment.

2. Mud Slingers: These malicious spirits pull themselves up by pulling others down. They love to gossip, criticize, judge, and denigrate anyone who ever had the misfortune of spending time with them. The only loyalty these denizens of the unconscious worlds have is to their own pain, which they feed by involving everyone they can in their mud slinging.

3. Swamp Dwellers: There is a group of mired spirits that thrive on low vibrations, and that require a human instrument to play out their endless dark dissonance. Easily recognizable, these misfortunate forces serve up dreadful mental pictures of past and future events for the sake of the unnatural reactions they produce. Ignore these corrupted spirits and they must take their evil speculations elsewhere.

4. Life Haters: These dark spirits perpetuate their hold on the human soul by resisting the beautiful gifts of life. They trick us into commiserating with their complaining, cruelty, and irritation because without our unconscious consent, these chronically conflicted spirits can't spread their poison.

Okay, I must ponder how to best handle the muckraking, mud slinging, swamp dwelling, life hating Toxic Tacoma People. Nuclear Option?


  1. Can't you just block the Toxic Tacoma People so you don't have to deal with them?

  2. To all you Toxic Tacoma folks - Leave Durango alone. He's a Texan now - did you ever stop and think there is a reason for that?

  3. Anon @ 3:02---
    I do what blocking I can, but when you are dealing with an amoral sociopath with no scruples and no morality anchor, there is only so much you can do to stop the bad behavior, leaving, sadly, only the punishment route, to try and get rid of it.

    Anon @ 3:45---
    There are only 1 or 2 TTF's who vex me. The entire town of Tacoma is not infested. And, in Tacoma's defense, the Toxic Tacoma Folks are not native Tacomans. But, thank you for advising the TTF's to leave me alone. It is coming up on 2 years I've been trying to make that happen. To limited avail.

  4. Hey Darlin'...what's bees nest have you stirred up now? Tacoma was all over cheap tricks today, not sure what she was looking for. Guess wondering if we're still eloping to Vegas, seeing she was going to show up.

    I've had an entire week of toxicity and no end sight with more to arrive this weekend. I'm thinking we should stick to your original schemes.

  5. CT2---FUBBO may have crossed over the line into totally insanity.
