Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dallas Cowboy Owner Jerry Jones Drunk & Dissing On Video

My favorite Dallas Cowboy and World Class Eminent Domain Abuser, Jerry Jones is, apparently, a big fan of being intoxicated in public.

However, somehow Jerry Jones missed the memo warning about the modern era's ubiquitous cell phones with video capability.

Evidently, Jerry Jones is a big fan of getting tipsy and then socializing, as evidenced by video evidence, acquired via cell phone, of some choice Jerry Jones verbiage dissing Tim Tebow and Bill Parcells.

I have no idea who Tim Tebow or Bill Parcells are. I think I've mentioned before that I am neither a Cowboy or a Cowboy fan.

Jerry Jones uses a well know profane word that begins with an "F" to refer to the new Dallas Cowboy stadium. I thought that was interesting.

I did not find an embed option for the Jerry Jones cell phone video, but you can listen to it here.

And below is a transcript...

Jerry Jones: Romo was a miracle.

Other guy: It was a miracle, wasn't it?

Jerry Jones: He almost never got in, and he almost was gone. Tebow would never…

Different other guy: What if you were the Jaguars or — would you just, just draft him and sell f**king jerseys?

Jerry Jones: That's the only reason I brought in Bill Parcells.


Jerry Jones: [Inaudible. Sounds a little like, "Sell mammoth f**kin' rake," whatever that means.]

Jerry Jones: Bill's not worth a s**t. I love him.

Different other guy: I know you do.

Jerry Jones: Not worth a s**t, but I wanted — they were on my ass so bad. J's gotta have a yes man. So to get this f**kin' stadium, I need to bring his ass in.

Different other guy: What, you, you wouldn't take Tebow in the third round?

Jerry Jones: Why? He'd never get on the field. I can't get him out there.


Jerry Jones: I can't get him out there.

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