Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Today I Was A Creative Anachronism Walking With Alligators At Arlingtons's Village Creek Natural Historic Area

My little sister, the lawyer, is lawyering me this afternoon, hitting me with multiple affidavits, well, emails, documenting the fact that something I opined impossible, in Texas, due to the use of polysyllabic words, does actually exist in Texas, in near epidemic proportions.

That being groups belonging to the Society of Creative Anachronism.

I had blogged about a gang fight I witnessed on Saturday at Veterans Park in Arlington. My little sister told me that the gang fight appeared to be a herd of Creative Anachronism Nerds.

Looking at the various Texas Society of Creative Anachronism websites my little sister directed me to, I can see, as is the case, 99.54% of the time, my little sister, appears to be correct. Those Veterans Park Nerds were Creative Anachronisms.

And in another Arlington Park, Village Creek Natural Historic Area, where I went walking today, I saw no nerds sword fighting.

But, I did see something disturbing from the viewing platform that looks out over the Village Creek Pond. I had barely begun my overlooking when a big splash startled me. Whatever did the splashing was quickly back in the water.

After a few more splashes I finally spotted the splashing critter. It appeared to be brownish, long and round. Like an eel.

I was unsettled.

A few minutes more and I saw a big form, long and think, moving beneath the water. I stared in disbelief too long, not thinking, til it was too late, to turn on my camera.

Then another big splash to my left. So, now there were two large critters. The second one I got a much better look at. It appeared to have scales.

What could this be? I'd been leaning towards alligator til I saw the scales.

I'd also considered that it might be a Garfish. My one and only Garfish encounter had been in Village Creek. Garfish are eel-like, with a head like a Gator.

In the first picture, at the top, is my best attempt at catching the critter. You can see part of it, out of the water, on the right side of the middle of the picture. The second picture is the same view, with the critter back in the water.

I left the overlook with no idea what really had been churning up the water. So, I'm going to go with alligators, til proven otherwise.


  1. Last June, a 10 foot alligator was hit by a car near Bell Helicopter. I recall a story in the Star Telegram, and I may even have a few photos. It LOOKED big so your theory has more legs than a Garfish.


  2. Checking a little closer, some "Durango" guy had a photo of the gator on his blog:


  3. Steve A----
    That Durango guy must have a really bad memory.
