Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World In Fort Worth Texas

Saturday night, recovering from my fist fight with my bedroom wall, I watched Turner Classic Movies Essentials. On Saturday the movie was Judgment at Nuremberg.

Judgment at Nuremberg is a fictionalized account of the Nuremberg trials, yet based on facts. In this movie the really bad Nazi boys have already met their fate with the hangman. It is a group of Third Reich judges who are being judged in the Judgment at Nuremberg.

There is a scene in the movie where Spencer Tracy is pondering the conundrum of how it is that good men can be corrupted, by the state, to the point of going along with doing bad deeds.

Spencer Tracy recollects how, in the small town in America in which he had been elected to be a judge, it was made well known to him that there are certain people in town who are off limits from judicial scrutiny.

Sort of like how Fort Worth's Mayor Mike Moncrief seems to be safe from judicial scrutiny, despite being on the take to the tune of 100s of thousands of dollars a year from the Barnett Shale natural gas drillers operating in Fort Worth.

Or how some judges operating in the Barnett Shale zone, seem to be taking their orders from the local Nazi equivalents, that being entities, like Chesapeake Energy, running rough shod over Texas citizens, abusing eminent domain, to take property to force non-odorized, high pressure, natural gas under homes, via pipelines, which have been known to explode.

Stanley Kramer directed Judgment at Nuremberg. Judgment at Nuremberg was released in 1961. In 1963 Stanley Kramer released It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. It seems to me that this could have been used as the title for Judgment at Nuremberg.

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World would be a great title if any latter day Stanley Kramer shoots a movie about the corruption in North Texas, with the focus being on the Eminent Domain Abuse Capital of the World, that being Fort Worth and Tarrant County, with all the willful ignoring of all the dire data, now pouring in, about just how bad and how dangerous all the bad toxins are that are being spewed into the Barnett Shale atmosphere, courtesy of all those Bad Boys who operate in cooperation with Fort Worth's corrupt mayor and the corrupt city government he oversees. And the corrupt Texas agencies which are supposed to oversee safeguarding the public safety. But don't.

Where is the FBI in this Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World I'm living in? Where is the EPA? Why are criminals exempt from being punished for the crimes they commit in the Eminent Domain Abuse Capital of the World?

I've said it before and I'll say it again

I don't get it.


  1. The more money coming in from the oil wells, the more dynasties will be produced.

  2. I believe the Texas earthquake forecast by Dr. Owour from Kenya is downtown Ft.Worth, through hospital district. I've been telling the City Council over 14 yrs. My council person Wendy Davis who crookedly obtained Sen. Kim Brimer's job, said "Whatever."
    I identified with this article because they just bulldozed my 1928 brick house and cottage illegally because lawyers will not take on Ft.Worth. I felt if I'd resisted arrest to get me out, the earthquake would have come while I was in jail(if they did not "Waco" me) and I have not warned enough people. No house is worth an 8.0 earthquake at 1 a.m. after the mayor convinced people to move into downtown! . Warren Buffett, fraud that he is, is buying up Ft.Worth, and lately the BNSF railroad with passenger TCU Station one block behind my house. I guess the city feels they got FREE Development Property and made me pay to bulldoze it! They have big shopping center plans for this neighborhood and make sure developers know that most people here earn less than $30,000 a year! The earthquake is coming over greed of prosperity ministry brings BUT GOD has a soft spot for the poor.
    The trinity River Uptown will bring HEAVY WATER into the town area whch an earthquake would spread all over and be a downtown psunami.
    When the Tarrant Co.Justice Ctr was finished. it begam to shake until desk drawers opened evoking an engineers study. Maybe a message from God or already shaky ground? Now in June Chesapeake will drill where I saw the earthquake. I surely would like to spiritualize this but I can't. God have mercy.
