Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Gray Drippy Sunday In Texas Swimming In The Rain & Recovering From The Ozzie Rabbit Lodge

You're looking at the drippy view from my patio, this gray Sunday morning in Texas. Cloudy days are in our forecast here, until next Saturday, that being the day of the 2010 Tandy Hills Prairie Fest, when blue sky is currently predicted to return.

This morning I made my way through the standing water to the water standing in my pool. I like swimming in the rain. I thought yesterday seemed like being back in a northwest rain. This morning was even more so.

Usually the drops of rain here are Texas-sized, as in big balls of rain. The rain this morning is puny little pinprick northwest style raindrops, like drizzle on steroids. I rather liked it, somewhat due to the fact that this morning there was a rare temperature convergence, as in the temperature of the raindrops, the air and the swimming pool all felt the same.

I needed a refreshing pool dip this morning. I was out late last night and up late this morning. I never heard from Elsie Hotpepper til this morning, well, actually she emailed me last night, but I never read it til this morning. Miss PR filled in for Elsie with her own saloon hopping proposal.

Eventually the hopping landed us in Handley at the Ozzie Rabbit Lodge. Ozzie Rabbit was Lee Harvey Oswald's nickname when he was in the Marines. Yes, I know it seems, maybe, a bit distasteful to name a saloon after the guy who assassinated JFK. But it really isn't. The Ozzie Rabbit Lodge is quite tasteful.

Lee Harvey Oswald is buried near the Ozzie Rabbit Lodge, in Rose Hill Memorial Burial Park.

Inside the Ozzie Rabbit Lodge it is sort of like a memorial to JFK and the assassination. I've blogged about the Ozzie Rabbit Lodge, previously, in great detail.

My favorite cousin, Linda, Facebook friended me this morning. I have no idea how cousin Linda could have found me on Facebook. This is not the first time I've wondered about such a thing. At one point, Facebook put my ex-wife on its list of "Friend Suggestions." How could that connection possibly have been made? It's very perplexing and borderline troubling.

1 comment:

  1. There is a bar in Dallas called Lee Harvey's.

    I saw the JFK motorcade.

    A friend and I went looking for Oswald's grave one night on our bicycles. He lived in Handley and I was visiting. We were scared off by a night watchman or caretaker.

    I saw Oswald's mother once at a Safeway on Camp Bowie Blvd. She was yelling at the butcher. My dad and I heard her yelling as we walked in the door and he said to me I bet that is old lady Oswald
