Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Rainy Texas Saturday Night Saloon Hopping With Elsie Hotpepper

I bailed on my plan for an early Saturday evening swimming in the rain episode, due to, well, it was raining too hard.

You are looking east on Bridge Street, coming up on 6pm, in the rainy picture. When I got to my destination and exited my vehicle, I quickly found myself wicking moisture up the legs of my way too baggy cargo pants.

I should have been wearing cargo shorts, not pants, but it was looking like a stereotypical northwest rainy day out there, with this seeming to require long pants. I'd forgotten, though it is raining, it is not cold, with long pants being totally inappropriate.

I'm back in a dry location, now, and am now worrying how long this WET nightmare is going to continue. This type weather inappropriateness wreaks havoc with my lifestyle.

I was almost 100% certain I was going to hear from Elsie Hotpepper today, asking me to go bar, I mean, saloon hopping with her tonight. The night is young, maybe I will yet hear from Elsie.

In the meantime, it's Saturday night and I'm being a happy boy. I feel like I Exorcised some Demons this week. Exorcising Demons is a good thing. Even if you aren't Catholic.

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