Saturday, April 17, 2010

Duchess Jessamyn Has Invited Me To Middlefaire In Hillsboro Texas

Yesterday I said I had heard from the Duchess of Scarborough Faire Renaissance Festival. That was incorrect.

Correctly stated, I had heard from the Duchess of Middlefaire opining about my opining about Scarborough Faire Renaissance Festival.

Near as I can make out, the preferred name, for the Duchess of Middlefaire, is Jessamyn. I guess that makes her Duchess Jessamyn of Middlefaire.

Middlefaire takes place near Hillsboro. That's the Texas town located where Interstate 35 West and East merge as one, south of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.

After I blogged about Duchess Jessamyn, and her Scarborough opining, I heard back from the Duchess, inviting me to Middlefaire and doing so in a sort of poetic fashion.

The message from Duchess Jessamyn is below....

Oh, gods. They're gonna kill me. Dead.
So, do you want to put any bets as to whether you get comments saying 'What? Duchess? What? There's no Duchess at Scarby by that name!'
'Cause I bet they do. I really do.
I feel oddly famous now, being on the receiving end of a blog post. I mean, really:
Post 2003 = Scarborough Faire
Post 2010 = Jessamyn
So Scarborough Faire is roughly equivalent to Jessamyn.
I'm not THAT fat!
............ Okay, yeah I am.
So, for the record, if you do ever venture as far out into the wilderness as Hillsboro, I would be more than glad to get you into Middlefaire free. Just tell me what name you want your ticket held under, and what day. I am there. You can come with the band. Listen close, tip generously. Just pick a date from the list on this cheap and shabby website.

May There Be A Road (Come to faire and hear the song),

-Jessamyn (lore and fables, my faire personas have more normal names than I do), nearly Duchess of Middlefaire

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