Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Rainy Saturday In Texas With Possible Flash Floods & Thunder

The National Weather Service issued a Flood Alert yesterday, lasting, I think, until Sunday. I had not heard any rain falling, so I was a little surprised, when the sun got around to lighting up the place, to see that it was very wet outside.

This turn of events wreaks havoc with my today plan to go Wildflower hunting on the Tandy Hills to find exotic types to try and stump Texas Wildflower Champion Identifier, Sarah R.

Currently, at 11 in the morning, a slight amount of wet stuff is dripping out there. Maybe I can go to Veterans Park in Arlington and find some exotic Wildflowers on the way to ALDI Food Market in Pantego. Yeah, that sounds like a plan.

There appears to be a bolt of lightning coming out of the cloud in the prediction picture for today. I did not realize we'd been forecast for some dire weather. But it is that time of year, thunder and tornadoes are to be expected.

Yesterday's day, that started out at around 2:30, turned out to be one of the busiest, most over the top productive days I've had in a long time. I broke my record for most bloggings. 8, yesterday, on my various blogs. I updated multiple pages on my Eyes on Texas website. Dealt with some longtime toxicity, that had long vexed me. That felt, well, cathartic. Went swimming in the morning and evening, with a good hike on the Tandy Hills in between.

And then by the end of the day I slept real nicely, unlike the night before, as in I slept in til past 7 this morning. This is borderline unprecedented.

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