Wednesday, February 10, 2010

An Offbeat Writer & A Truly Frivolous Lawsuit: The State of Texas vs. Anne Mitchell

The bizarre case of Texas vs. Anne Mitchell, taking place out in Kermit, Texas, has quickly grown to scandal status as the rest of America and the world looks in on the latest goofy gift from Texas to the world.

This very blog you are looking at right now has been being a bit more busy than usual, due to the bloggings about the Kermit Nurse Scandal. This has generated a lot of interesting comments. I mentioned that fact earlier today.

I think the most damning, as in damningly revealing revelation, has been the YouTube video of the now notorious Doctor at the heart of the scandal, Rolando Arafiles, peddling snake oil on one of those obscure Christian TV Shows that gum up the airways.

One of the reasons my bloggings about this subject are getting a lot of readers is various forums and websites have linked to the bloggings. One very insightful website, that being "Rethinking Patient Safety" linked to my bloggings and exclaimed that "Durango just became my favorite offbeat writer, posting a performance of Dr. Arafiles on a religious television channel."

Now, this is a first. I feel like I've won an award or something. In all my decades I don't previously recollect ever being referred to as "offbeat." I'm truly touched.


  1. I happened to catch a few minutes of it on the local news tonight. Seems that the professionalism of the hospital staff is in question...hmmm, ya think?

  2. They get credit for offbeat?

    I knew I should have tried to figure out a bisyllabic adjective!

    Damn damn damn.

  3. Gar---
    Your comment made absolutely no sense to me. I am scheduling you an appointment with a neurologist. And a mixologist. I think you may be over-medicating and need to adjust your ratio of medicine to mixer.

  4. Thanks Garth. You always have my best interest at heart.

  5. You are welcome, Garth. I think it was rather clearly explained that you are Garth, I am Wayne. Apparently for obvious reasons.

  6. Garth, Garth, Garth. Clearly explained? I think someone with some kind of misappropriated wonder-lust made the "clear explanation" which was illogical and unfounded (obviously).

  7. Garth---
    Has your psychiatrist worked at all with you regarding your self-delusions? If not, you might want to add that to the shrink's to-do list.

  8. To be diagnosed with self-delusions it would have been necessary for me to be alluding to myself, but I was clearly talking about you. So maybe it should be Garth-Delusions. With you being Garth (obviously).

  9. Garth---
    I can't help but wonder. Have you taken to having early morning Happy Hours these days? I guess that's okay. It is a snow day.

  10. Garth --

    It's 5 o'clock somewhere. I've taken my doctors advice and dramatically increased my fluid consumption. Especially warming fluids on cold mornings.

  11. Gar Garth---
    Did you go see your Kermit doctor, Arafiles, and get the liquid prescription?

  12. Dur Garth ---

    Yeah, but he prescribed me some magical herbal remedy and I had to have some kind of strange faith and quote some commandment about not killing people or something.

    It was less trouble just to heavily medicate with my favorite mixoligist whose prescriptions are more fun and less expensive.

  13. Ah, This is great! Clarifies
    a few misnomers I've been hearing.

  14. Garth E. Texan---
    Well, I really think you might want to think about cutting back and maybe getting the opinion of a second quack, because, right now, you appear to be slurring your words and it is not a good sound on you.

  15. Garth An Go --

    Perhaps my mixoligist prescribed me a medicine with a slur inducing side effect. I'll bring it up with him next time I see him.

    At least he hasn't offered to sew any petroleum products to my appendages.

  16. Garth---
    Why would a slur inducing medicine be prescribed? Are you trying to get rid of your lisp and some quack told you a med would do this for you?

    Maybe if you'd gotten a petroleum product sewed to your most personal appendage you might not have needed that procedure you undertook, that that Californication YouTube video of yours so beautifully illustrated.

    Did you cool yourself with an icecube tray that day you got home from being snipped? And did your doctor show you what he'd snipped, like David Duchovny's did?

    Has anyone ever mentioned to you that you bear an uncanny resemblance to David Duchovny? Both in weaselly personality and rodent-like visage?

  17. Garth Wango --

    It's so nice to hear you finally admit that I'm the weaselly rodent-like Wayne one.

    My doctor was not nearly as cool. And I don't think he wore a welder's mask. Although I can't say for sure.

    I do remember the selecting of a new pope.

    I used frozen vegetables.

    The ice tray seemed...too severe. I suspect they used it because of the phallic like handle.

  18. Ah, This is awesome! Clarifies
    a few contradictions I've read
