Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Predicted Thursday Snowstorm Has Arrived Coloring North Texas White

You are looking at the same view out my patio door window I've been showing you the past couple days.

Three days ago the view was gray and wet, the day after that the view was clear and blue, the day after that the view was gray again.

And, now this morning, Thursday at 6am, the view out my patio door window is black and white, with the white being provided by snow.

Yes, the predicted snow has arrived. Apparently really big flakes started hitting the ground around 3am. I was not up to see them, but I did hear something hitting my bedroom window.

The National Weather Service currently has us, here in long-suffering cold North Texas, under a Winter Storm Warning until midnight.

The sun should be trying to shine a light on the white in about a half hour. I will not be braving the elements to experience an icy, snowy walk to the pool this morning. I will likely be housebound today. I expect to be quite cranky by the time noon rolls around.

I am low on my supply of vittles. I probably have enough to last a day or two. I suppose if I get desperate I can walk across the street to Albertsons. I do not like Alberstsons. But sometimes desperate times require desperate measures.

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