Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I Was SAD Seeing Way Too Many Texas Balloon People Waddling Around Wal-Mart Today

You are looking at my very SAD (Seasonally Affected Disorder) view out my patio window, this very dreary Wednesday, in cold, cloudy Texas.

Yesterday's return to blue sky was a fluke. Gray skies is the new Texas norm.

Snow is still in the forecast, supposedly happening anytime now, with a 100% chance of snow or rain tomorrow.

I had a morning full of aggravation and annoyance, followed by an early afternoon of some more aggravation and annoyance.

About 2 I decided to escape the aggravation and annoyance and go to Village Creek Natural Historic Area for some natural communing with nature.

Had I been thinking clearly and not distracted by all that aggravation and annoyance, I would have remembered we had heavy rain 2 days ago, which rendered Village Creek closed to pedestrian traffic, due to this inconvenience that is known as flooding.

With my walking options dwindled and with me being a mile or so from my friendly neighborhood Wal-Mart Supercenter, I decided to go there and load up a cart with heavy stuff and push it for a couple miles.

I should have asked a shopper or two if they'd like a ride. I saw a lot of plus-sized balloon people waddling about today. The way too many obese people issue hasn't been at the forefront of my imagination of late, but today I saw some distortions of the human form that had me all appalled.

Why do some humans let themselves go to such a shocking degree? At what point do they quit caring? Or did they ever care? It's not just the obesity, it's also the overall slovenliness, the unkemptness of the hair, the ill-fitting clothes, stretching material beyond what fabric making science intended.

Now, I am in no way, even remotely, any sort of a bigot. But I have to say, my fellow Anglos are the worst offenders. My African American neighbors, who I see walking about Wal-Mart, do so, for the most part, with way more style and way less weight. This is particularly noticeable on Sunday after church, the style part. Now, my Hispanic neighbors, they sort of trend towards the Anglos in terms of obesity and level of slovenleness.

Now the ethnic group I think we could all do well to emulate.

The Asians.

I go to Arlington's Chinatown and see all these well-dressed, some stylishly in native garb, Vietnamese, Laotians, Cambodians, Thai, Chinese, Koreans. The Asians eat better, dress better and look better, weight-wise, than the Americans, both South and North (continents), the Africans and the Europeans.

It's appalling. I think America collectively, for the most part, really needs to go on a diet. This would be beneficial in so many ways. Let's make it a goal that within 20 years the Europeans no longer refer to us as the "Balloon People."

It's a worthy goal.

1 comment:

  1. One of the famous TV Chefs is doing a reality show on this very subject. He's taking a small town of not so small people and changing their attitude about food, and hopefully save their lives in the process. Now, I just gotta find the listing for it again, because I think this would be a really interesting show to watch.
