Sunday, February 7, 2010

Don't Be Tardy For My XLVI Super Bowl Party

It is almost time for Super Bowl XLVI.

Why must the Super Bowl use Roman Numerals? It bugs me every year. I think an X before an L means 10 less than 50, which would be 40. I think VI is a 5 and a 1, which would be 6.

So, is Super Bowl XLVI Super Bowl 46? Why not just call it Super Bowl 46 and make it easier on the Roman Numeral challenged, of which I'm likely one, if I got the number wrong.

Anyway, this is my favorite football game of the year. In that it's the only one I watch. Well, watch some of it. This year I know less than my norm regarding the Super Bowl. I know it is being played in Miami and that one of the teams is the New Orleans Saints. I do not know know who New Orleans is playing.

I also do not know who is playing in the halftime show. The Super Bowl halftime show used to be entertaining. I have not found it to be very entertaining in a long time. I think the last time may have been Janet Jackson's bared boob fiasco, or the U2 post 9/11 Super Bowl.

I have not read one word about this year's Super Bowl commercials. The commercials are usually the part I watch.

I do not like the start time of the Super Bowl in my present Central Time location. On the West Coast the Super Bowl begins around 3 in the afternoon. Here it begins around 5 and gets over past my bedtime.

I have the same problem with the Academy Awards. West Coast they start live before 6. Here it is 8. Getting over way past my bedtime. So, I bail before the end.

I have my Super Bowl Party stuff already to go. I made turkey tacos seasoned with mango ginger salsa. It sounds a bit odd, but tastes really good. At least so far, they've not gotten to the being consumed stage, just the sampling whilst cooking stage.

Okay, I am being told we are in countdown mode leading to the Star Spangled Banner. I'm betting there will be jets involved.

Don't be tardy for the party.

UPDATE: I'm hearing the pre-game stuff in the background. I am not shocked to learn I got my Roman Numerals wrong. I just heard a talking head say "Super Bowl 44." So VI is 4, not 6. It's 5 minus 1, not plus 1. No wonder Latin is a dead language and the Romans a dead empire.


  1. I'm confused. The picture clearly says XLIV. You clearly have an understanding of Roman Numerals. Yet you insist that it's supposed to be 46 because it's XLVI.

    You are obviously playing a game with your knowledge of Roman Numerals and your knowledge of the halftime show.

    "I also do not know who is playing in the halftime show."

    That was funny.

  2. Gar----
    I wrote that very quickly while being distracted. I think I may have some type of mild dyslexia. I actually did not know Who was playing in the halftime show til I heard a talking head say who was playing. I'm an idiot savant.
