Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday Fort Worth Drizzling While Gestapo Agents Run A Radar Sting Operation

At noon, when I crossed the Cooks Lane overpass over I-30 on my way to Sam's Club, I saw a Fort Worth Gestapo Stormtrooper standing beside his mechanized transport, aiming a radar gun, west, at the incoming traffic.

On the east side freeway on-ramp, there was an entire mechanized unit of Fort Worth Gestapo Stormtroopers, waiting for the signal from the overpass spy, to take off after speeders.

I saw maybe 5 units waiting on the on-ramp for their attack order, while strung long the side of the freeway, I saw, into the distance, maybe 5 or 6 flashing red lights, indicating 5 or 6 Gestapo agents had successfully caught their quarry.

When I left Sam's Club it was drizzling hard.

I decided to return to my abode, via Cooks Lane, and snap a picture of the Gestapo Agent and his radar gun. But, when I was stopped at the red light for a perfect photo op, the cop, I mean, Gestapo Agent, had retreated from the light drizzle and was hiding in his car.

By the time I crossed back over the freeway again, on the Morrison Street crossing, the cop car had left Cooks Lane, driven back to regular patrolling, I assume, by a little dampness.

I really don't like these type Gestapo raids. It would aggravate me less if I was not eye witness, way too many a time, to a Fort Worth Gestapo Agent in his mechanized vehicle, well over the speed limit, with no sirens blaring, no lights flashing. If it is an emergency, and the cop does not want the perps to hear him coming, then they go into silent running mode, with just the lights flashing. The incidents of speeding cops, that I have witnessed, have been just that, speeding cops.

Why are city cops operating on the federal highway, I could not help but wonder? I thought the federal highways were patrolled by state patrolmen. Who gets to keep the revenue generated by today's Fort Worth Gestapo Stormtrooping? The city? Or does it go to Washington? I mean D.C., of course.

Stings, like what I saw today, seem like a waste of resources. That it'd be a much better plan to have the cops out on the freeway, driving, at the correct speed limit. Drivers tend not to speed past cop cars on the freeway, from what I've seen.

There are safety issues too. It's dangerous pulling off to the side of a busy freeway, both for the Gestapo agent and the stopped driver. Getting back on the freeway, after getting your ticket, is dangerous to the drivers still on the freeway, as the Gestapo's victim tries to re-merge with traffic.

I really think this type revenue generating sting needs to be stopped.

1 comment:

  1. If you ever listen to AM news radio reports about traffic in DFW, they often refer to a "fund raiser" occuring that's causing traffic snarls. I asked a friend in the business about this perplexing description after I had hear it several times and was told that it was euphemism for speed traps like the one you described. I was told the term is both a blend of humor and a reaction to some kind of threat from the pd's about not interfering with their public duties. Or is it their dutying on the public?
