Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday Morning Raining Texas Blues With The Scrabble Queen Hot In Kauai & Gar The Texan's Psychiatric Woes

That is my Monday morning 9am view this dark winter day in Texas. Rain is predicted to fall all day long. Snow is predicted to arrive, again, on Thursday.

This is the coldest, wettest winter in all the years of my exile in Texas. Meanwhile up north, in my previous place of residence, they are experiencing the warmest winter in recorded history.

The Pacific Northwest winter heat wave may wreak havoc with next week's Vancouver Winter Olympics.

Meanwhile, the Scrabble Queen of Washington is temporarily the Scrabble Queen of Hawaii and is tormenting me with reports of it being too HOT to sit outside. Too HOT in Kauai. Where it rarely gets into the 90s, where it is usually a nice balmy 80 something. And the Scrabble Queen is too HOT.

I can not remember the last time I was too HOT.

And then I have Gar the Texan lamenting that his life full of woe got its start at the now nationally notorious Kermit Hospital. Reading Gar the Texan's blog this morning I learned he's spent decades in psychiatric therapy trying get Kermit out of his head.

I actually watched the entire first half of Super Bowl XLIV yesterday, without getting bored. I think it had something to do with the HD quality of the video rendering watching more watchable. The Who halftime show was good, too. But, I grew bored at some point in the 3rd quarter and ended my active Super Bowl viewing for the year.

Lame commercials this year, for the most part. The Simpsons Coke one was amusing, though. And a few others. My blogging about the Super Bowl, right before it started, turned out to be a bit bizarre, with convoluted errors and an ironic use of the word "who."

In about 3 hours I will start going stir crazy. Maybe the rain will let up before crazy sets in.

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