Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Chesapeake Will Try To Stay Out Of Imagination-Challenged, Cliche-Ridden, Vulgar, Moronic Shill Territory With Me

As if I needed any further proof that I both blog too much, and that, right now, I am way too tired, after I published my last blogging, I went to Twitter it, (or is it Tweet it?) and saw that Chesapeake had done an @durangotexas message. That's a Twitter thing where a Twitter person comments, mentioning another Twitterer. Or is it Tweeter?

I can explain it no better.

So, I get an @durangotexas from Chesapeake, that's the screen shot of it above, saying...

Chesapeake @durangotexas We'll try to stay out of "imagination-challenged, cliche-ridden, vulgar, moronic shill" territory. Good to connect with you.

Okay, like I said, I'm really tired. I read the above and knew it was a reference to something I'd written, directed at the Express Energy shill. But I did not remember it was something I'd written in the very blogging that preceded the one I'd just finished, that being the blogging in which I said Chesapeake Energy was now following me on Twitter.

I really need to schedule a session, soon, with my therapist, Dr. L.C. I'm a mess.


  1. West Fort Worth redneckFebruary 4, 2010 at 4:57 AM

    Looks like you struck a nerve with the natural gas drilling people. Good.

    We will see what they are up to sooner or later. And we will see if they are capable of arguing the facts instead of their personal attacks.

    We are right beside you, brother.

  2. Keep up the good work Durango. Call 'em out. Obviously it makes them nervous.
