Thursday, February 4, 2010

Largest Corruption Case In Dallas History, Is Fort Worth Next?

I think I may have mentioned previously, how it perplexes me, that it seems as if Fort Worth, and Tarrant County, are under some sort of protective bubble, which somehow protects this zone from the rules, regulations, standards, ethics, common sense and laws that apply in other parts of America.

Dallas and Dallas County are not under a protective bubble. On June 20, 2005, a small army of FBI agents moved on the Dallas City Hall, taking computers, carting off boxes, taking photos.

In Fort Worth a small army of City of Fort Worth agents moved on the home of Steve Doeung, because he had dared to fight back against the city and its natural gas drilling partners.

For some reason the FBI is not, as far as I know, investigating the collusion between the Mayor of Fort Worth, Mike Moncrief, and the gas industry he is in cahoots with.

A mayor, or any elected official, is not supposed to participate in policy making regarding anything from which he may financially gain.

Mike Moncrief financially gains over $600,000 a year from his holdings in the natural gas companies, poking holes, in the town of which he is mayor.

In Dallas 16 people were eventually charged in a 31 count indictment, including former mayor pro-tem, Don Hill. This has been the largest bribery and corruption case in Dallas history.

Near as I can tell the amount of money that was extorted in Dallas is puny compared to the millions Moncrief has made from the natural gas drilling companies, since becoming Fort Worth's mayor.

I think the FBI's active part in the Dallas corruption is over and they might now be able to aim their investigate eyes 30 miles westward.

I think an investigation in to how the raid on Steve Doeung's home came about, after he dared to fight back against Chesapeake Energy and the City of Fort Worth, would lead to some interesting places. Someone had to have ordered the intimidating raid.


I think the FBI could find that out. And I believe it is highly likely when the FBI finds out who ordered the raid on Steve Doeung's home that that person will be found to be financially gaining from the natural gas drillers poking holes in Fort Worth.

At the point, when the FBI makes that connection, they will quite clearly see that a crime had been committed. From that point on, the FBI investigation can spread out to root out all the other related corruption and eventually get the perps in a federal court room.

Yeah, I know, I'm a deluded optimist. But, you only get one life. I choose to live mine as a dreamer.

1 comment:

  1. CHK and the powers that be probably view your American dream and Steve D's dream of truth and justice as simply "pipe dreams". Keep "piping" the truth and use the pipes the Lagasanostra and the gasfather want to shove under people's yards to shove up their @#$% (figuratively--maybe?)
