Monday, February 1, 2010

Arlington City Officials Get Big Payoff For Helping Jerry Jones Abuse Eminent Domain For New Cowboy Stadium

I am really starting to feel sick and tired of feeling sick and tired of all the goofy stuff I see and hear here in this Orwellian Occupied zone of Texas I'm currently seeing too much of.

The sense of right and wrong that governs other parts of the civilized world is reversed way too much in these parts.

The latest example is the latest chapter in what for about 6 years I have called the Dallas Cowboy Stadium Scandal, due to what many, myself included, believe is the worst case of eminent domain abuse in American history.

Where Jerry Jones, conspiring with the City of Arlington, abused the perfectly legal concept of using eminent domain to acquire property for the public good. Like a road, hospital or school. That type thing. In Arlington eminent domain was abused to take homes, apartment complexes and businesses.

For a football stadium, a building that is pretty much a monument to one strange man's strange sense of entitlement.

Now, what did I learn today? Well, the Arlington city officials who conspired with Jones to abuse eminent domain to build the stadium have been rewarded.

Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys have given Arlington city officials the private use of one of the stadium's luxury suites. I believe the technical term for this is Payoff.

Since the stadium opened, Arlington city officials, like city council members and Mayor Chuck Cluck and their family and friends, have received free tickets to attend Cowboy games and other events, like the Paul McCartney concert. So far the comping has totaled almost $80,000.

The City of Arlington suite users also get to be additionally bribed with $1,000 in free food, when they use the city's luxury suite.

And they get special, close to the stadium, parking spots, that go for $75. For free. And if they want, the city officials can get coveted sideline credentials, for an up close look at the game, for which some fans would be willing to pay a small fortune.

There are some wise heads in Arlington who are complaining about Arlington city officials receiving this particularly onerous payoff for cooperating with Jerry Jones.

Have any of the victims of the storm that leveled their homes been invited to experience the City of Arlington luxury suite, high above where their homes used to stand? I suspect not.

I suspect the only Cowboy perk the victims could maybe obtain is making use of one of the 100s of custom made outhouses that surround the new $1.1 billion stadium.

Something besides those outhouses is really stinking in Arlington.

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