Monday, February 1, 2010

Is The Trinity Hole A Trinity River Levee Sinkhole In The Making?

I know I've mentioned it before, but to refresh your memory, 2 Saturday's ago I had a weird run-in with an Express Energy truck at the site of a water pumping operation in Fort Worth, on the Trinity Trails that run into Gateway Park.

After I had the run-in, I blogged about it, with pictures of the Express Energy truck barreling towards me on the paved pedestrian, no vehicles allowed, trail.

Soon after I blogged about the ugly incident, orange traffic cones were placed on the trail, with a sign saying "Utility Work Ahead." The traffic cones blocked the Express Energy trucks from driving on the Trinity Trail.

This morning I got a comment from "Anonymous" to the blogging about the Saturday Express Energy truck incident.

Anonymous said...

"DO ANY OF YOU HAVE A REAL JOB? walking around a park? huh? if your worried about the pavement being muddy? start by picking up the trash and dead bodies that are at the end of the hill... wheres the pics of that?"

Dead bodies? At the end of the hill? The hill reference sort of indicates this is an Express Energy person, aka shill. It's been pretty clear someone at Express Energy has been reading what I was saying about them every since I started saying stuff about them.

The best example of that came when I blogged about there being no permits posted. I then got a comment telling me there were permits posted, among other things. I quickly checked the site, to find no permits. And had my first encounter with Express Energy trucks.

After reading today's rather illiterate comment (I Ieft it as written, except for removing profanity) I decided I'd not been to the Express Energy 6 pump Trinity River water sucking site in awhile. So, today that is where I took one of those walks, which Anonymous finds perplexing that someone would do such a thing. In a park.

Well, there has been no attempt to fix the muddied, rutted, Trinity River levee. Maybe the water suckers are coming back, so what would be the point of fixing anything?

As you can in the picture, the levee got rutted up some more due to the Express Energy trucks being blocked by those orange traffic cones.

But, it was not the mud and ruts that surprised me today. Those I expected to see.

It is what the geologist, who walked with me today, found that was a bit unsettling, and, well, strange.

If you look at the picture at the top you will see a large hole. This large hole is about 100 feet west of the pedestrian bridge that takes you to Gateway Park. The large hole is on the north side of the paved trail, slightly south of the new "road" muddied in by Express Energy.

The Trinity Hole was weird to look into. My first reaction was how do I know that I'm not standing on a very thin layer of earth, with the Trinity Hole just being a little eye into the cavern?

My geologist co-walker said it looked like the beginning of a sinkhole. That it appeared that water had found its way into the levee and had eroded the hole.

The Trinity Hole is near where there was a leak in the pipeline, during the Express Energy water pumping. I took a picture of that leak on the Saturday I had the face-off with the Express Energy truck.

Looking in to the Trinity Hole it was too dark to see anything. So, I aimed my camera down the hole and took a flash picture. It looks like there's a bottom to the hole. Or maybe that is mud. It's such a perfect circle it looks as if something mechanical bored the hole. But why would anyone be boring holes, like this, into a river levee?

Very perplexing.


  1. What on earth? You be careful out there in the wilds of Cowtown. Don't fall in any sinkholes.

  2. TXsharon---
    I'd not thought of the safety issue, as in people ride horses on the levee. I don't think a horse would like that hole. I person would need to be being a bit absentminded, or distracted, to step in it. I think.

  3. Distracted--as in avoiding getting run over by white trucks or tased by people driving black and white vehicles (must check the words to see what local AUTHORITY the vehicles belong to/represent). maybe this is where the mayor and council and city staff place their heads when they expect news about toxic air tests and the latest outcome of Steve D. vs. CHK Energy.

  4. When you get a chance, could you take and post the picture of the sign in the park (any park, actually)that says a person must have a "real job" to walk around a PUBLIC park. Maybe you're (to help him in reading this based on his spelling and grammar skills)pal cood provide you wid such a pitcher. Are full-time moms/dads, retirees, disabled, etc. considered having real jobs? All I know is that it's hard work trying to live as a free American citizen in this B.S. area (s=shale)

  5. That does look 'man-made' to
    me. Also, aren't there little
    kids at the park? Remember the
    girl who fell in a narrow well?
    Drilling or fracking a well for natural gas takes 2-9 million gallons of water. If it wasn't
    "taken" from the Trinity River
    that could cut into profit$ for
    Oil & Gas.
