Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Giant Blobs Of Foam Appear On The Trinity River In Fort Worth

No. That is not an Iceberg floating in the Trinity River. It's a big blog of foam, several instances of which I saw yesterday when I went on a newly un-muddied walk on the Trinity Trails out of Gateway Park.

I saw the foam before I found the Hole in the Trinity River Levee.

Speaking of the Trinity Hole. When I blogged about the hole I included a comment I got from that brave soul who calls himself Anonymous. I opined that Anonymous was likely an Express Energy shill.

Well the shill read that blogging and made another illiterate comment. One part of the comment said, "...and next time post my whole comment. dont edit it." First off, I didn't post the comment, I stuck it in a blog. And the only editing was the removal of profanity. I touched none of the spelling and grammar errors.

In today's comment Anonymous asks, "so if you almost got ran over by this truck with no license plate, why dident you call the police?"

How does Anonymous know if the police were called or not? Why does Anonymous think the orange traffic cones showed up to keep the Express Energy trucks off the Trinity Trails?

Anonymous also makes the suggestion to "get a real life."

There are two cliches I find annoying, one is "get a life" and the other is "you must have too much time on your hands." It has been my experience that these cliches are used by ignorant, unimaginative sorts who have no life and consequently have too much time on their hands. I have a relative who frequently uses these cliches. She's the dumbest relative I have. And the most boring and boorish.

Anyway, back to the Trinity foam. What makes such a thing? I know people put all sorts of things into the long suffering Trinity River.

Things as bizarre as the mayor of Fort Worth, Mike Moncrief, pouring grape kool-aid in the river, thinking this would color it purple.

But, what would make thick foam? The first Foamberg was about 50 feet below Trinity Falls.

Another big Foamberg was at the location were Express Energy had its water sucking pipes stuck in the river. I believe the foam was collecting there due to a small creek entering the river and causing the flow to slow.

Anyway, I found the big blogs of foam to be very perplexing.


  1. hey its shill, mmm funny , did you test that foam? or assume it? and you dident put all of my comments on there ... you did edit it. YOU REMIND ME of that guy who still lives with his mom. is that true? lol. Next time take a picture of the toxic trash that is actually flowing into the creek itself. which was right by the pumps. jackass.

  2. Don't fret...puppets only do what they're told and this energy puppet is only following orders and exhibiting the characteristics associated with BIG OIL & GAS. #1...provide distraction, such as "dead bodies" floating in the river. These diversionary techniques are used to draw your attention away from the obvious wrong doings of the industry. #2...intimidation and threats, name calling and unfounded accusations are the earmarks of BIG OIL & GAS. They think if they yell at you enough then you'll go away. #3...as long as they get away with it, then they think they've done no wrong doing, just because the police didn't(by the way...that's how you spell didn't not didnet) show up and arrest the guy behind the wheel of the white pickup doesn't (doesnet...for our ignorant puppet) mean that the action wasn't (wasnet...again for ignorant puppet) indeed illegal.

    I'm wondering, now that I've had ample time to ponder on this...do ya think the "dead body" thing was an insinuation? You might want to contact the proper authorities and report a death threat.

  3. TXsharon---
    Did not occur to me that the Trinity Foambergs might be drilling related. Til now.

    The dead bodies comment seemed so odd to me I did not consider your interpretation. It was at the bottom of that hill that I had my first encounter with Express Energy and one of their White Darth Vader Trucks.
