Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Travails Of Getting Miss Puerto Rico Out Of Texas

That is the sun going down view from Miss Puerto Rico's balcony, last night, looking north.

I was over at Miss Puerto Rico's to get my final cat care instructions. I don't know why I need to get the cat care instructions every time Miss Puerto Rico returns to her home island.

Although there was one slight variation this time. I am to give the cat no more than 3 special treats per day, due to the cat is fat and the treats are fattening.

My one longtime reader may remember that previously I would provide shuttle service to the airport for Miss Puerto Rico. But not this time.

My one longtime reader may remember the incident a couple years ago where Miss Puerto Rico got herself overly intoxicated, at the airport, was arrested and thrown into the airport jail.

I did not see Miss Puerto Rico for quite awhile after that incident. I have no empathy with someone needing to be alcohol medicated in order to fly. I can't imagine going through airport security tipsy. That's just nuts.

Anyway, Miss Puerto Rico called me before 5 this morning. I let it go to voice mail. I was afraid it was a last minute plea for me to provide airport shuttle service.

I listened to the message. She was all in a panic, thinking she was not going to make her flight. The shuttle had called and said they'd be 15 minutes late. Her flight time was 7:10. She had plenty of time.

Miss Puerto Rico called again, now on the shuttle, totally certain she'd be late. I told her, again, she had plenty of time. She was upset that the shuttle was going to pick up someone else and she had no idea where she was.

About 20 minutes later Miss Puerto Rico called again, all upset, sure she'd missed her flight. I look at the time and see it is well before 6. I tell her she's early. She tells me the airport is in a different time zone.

This was the point I realized why she was willing to pay $31 to get to the airport, rather than use my free shuttle service. It's because of my Zero Tolerance policy. Obviously Miss Puerto Rico was able to bring booze onboard the shuttle with her. And by the time she got to the airport she was drunk. Again.

I told her to go to the Check-in and all would be fine. She was all upset, thinking she might be able to fly stand-by, now that she missed her flight.

I told her, it is before 6, over an hour before your plane leaves. What? She muttered, confused. It's before 6, I repeated. You don't fly out for over an hour. She then said something about her clock being wrong and hung up.

About 20 minutes later Miss Puerto Rico calls again, all cheery, telling me she's through security and at her gate. I say something like, so there was nothing to get all upset about after all.

She acted as if the previous confused phone calls had not taken place.

Anyway, that's been my day so far. Up early, in the pool as the sun came up, fixed my web editor problem. All is well in my simple little world. Except I have a damn cat to attend to.

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