Tuesday, January 12, 2010

In The Shadow Of The Thin Man In Fort Worth's Tandy Hills

That is the Shadow of the Tandy Hills Thin Man, coming soon to a theater near you, late this afternoon.

Events conspired to keep me computer bound for hours beyond my liking today.

By early afternoon I felt like my head was preparing to explode. My therapist, Dr. L.C., checked in on me, as she regularly does, and when I mentioned I thought my blood pressure was fixin' to explode my head, she verbalized some concern regarding the sad state of my physical being.

Fortunately, a jaunt up and down the Tandy Hills, in temperatures approaching 60, wearing way less clothing than in recent weeks, breathing in the sweet smog scented air, was just what the doctor ordered.

It revived me.

And now I'm back here, facing my computer aggravation.

About 3 this afternoon I got an email from my Cousin Amy. Amy was wanting me to remove all the detailed information I have about her on my website about our family, widely believed to be the most extensive family website on the Internet.

I explained to Amy that I'd made, for the most part, the family website invisible to search engines, which is why none of you reading this have heard of it til now. But, apparently Amy married a Vietnamese guy, last name of Nguyen, and there is some sort of nefarious doings that would make anonymity a good thing.

So, me, being the wanting to always please good boy that I am, set out to remove Amy from my family. But, my web editor will not let me open that particular website. Resources keep getting gobbled up til there is no memory left. I have tried several fixes, but so far, to no avail.

Which leaves Cousin Amy and the Nguyen gang exposed and possibly in danger. I do not know how I will sleep tonight with this lurking woe hanging out there.

Other than that, I've had myself a real peachy day. In case you can't figure it out for yourself, in the picture, that is the view, looking west from the top of Tandy Hills Mountain, of the stunningly beautiful, smog-filtered, skyline of downtown Fort Worth.


  1. Would it be helpful to suggest that cousin Amy and hubby change their last name to Smith since they are pretty much equivalent in their prevalence in both cultures/languages? I would think that her in-laws the Smiths wouldn't mind if their son John Nguyen and his wife Amy changed their last name to Smith :D)

  2. Anonymous---
    Thank you. I think that will be very helpful to the Smith family.
