Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Balmy Temperatures Have Me Not Wearing Pants On The Tandy Hills In Fort Worth

Today, late in the afternoon, I returned to the Tandy Hills for a record breaking 8th day in a row. As you can see from the picture, these 8 days in a row of extreme aerobics have completely erased my weather-related sloth-caused unsightly weight gain.

As you can also see, I am not wearing long underwear, I am also not wearing pants, and, no, it's not a No Pants! Day.

Warm air coming in from the south has forced a retreat of the nasty frozen air that blew in from Canada, a week ago today. I'm glad that unpleasantness is behind us for now.

Canadian cold air is worse then breathing Fort Worth smog. At least in the short term.

The balmy temperatures warmed up the pool quite a bit. I stayed in it this morning for the longest duration of the new year. I got out when my teeth began doing this chattering thing that I feared might do some dental damage if I did not adjust my temperature.

This morning my web page editor was back working so I was able to remove my cousin Amy from my family. Apparently Amy has decided to totally embrace her new Vietnamese connections and severe all ties to her Dutch-ness. I don't know how my Uncle Mooch and Aunt Jane (Amy's mom and dad) are going to take Amy's rejection.

I probably should call my mom and dad and tell them that Mooch and Jane have lost a kid. But, as my one longtime reader knows, I only call my mom when I get gas. Not when I lose a relative.