Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Steve Doeung Will Not Pipe Down & This Is A Good Thing For Fort Worth & America

Great article in Fort Worth's only "real" newspaper, as in a newspaper that does not act as a propaganda shill for the local corrupt power structure, with its incestuous Conflicts of Interest relationships with the Barnett Shale natural gas drilling industry.

I'm talking about FW Weekly and its cover article, "He Won't Pipe Down," about Steve Doeung and his heroic battle against Fort Worth's corrupt government and one of the agents of corruption, Chesapeake Energy and its chief hoodlum, Aubrey McClendon.

Steve Doeung may have become an American via being a Cambodian first, but he's an American now, an All-American of the heroic, brave, idealistic, champion sort that has made America what it is, as in the most powerful nation, in most of the ways that matter, that the world has ever seen.

I'm thinking there has to be a way to have Steve's Story and the Battle of Carter Avenue go national, so all Americans know what's going on here in Fort Worth, where border-line Gestapo-like fear tactics have been used, with the full cooperation of Fort Worth's corrupt government and police, to intimidate the people of Carter Avenue, except for one.

I'm thinking Steve's Story and the Battle of Carter Avenue would make a good 60 Minutes story.

I contacted 60 Minutes about 20 years ago. I was greatly annoyed at the shocking revelations that had come out regarding the capital of British Columbia, Canada, Victoria, pumping raw sewage deep into the Straits of Juan de Fuca. That was the Victoria sewage treatment method. Vancouver's was not much better.

The State of Washington tried all sorts of things to get the Canadians to clean up their act. Promises were made. Nothing was done. Monkey Wrenchers, a type of American that apparently does not exist in Texas, did things like book a stay in an expensive Victoria hotel and rather than use the toilet, they'd leave a mess behind in the bathtub, along with messages on the walls. I don't recollect how many instances of that type Monkey Wrenching occured.

Washington people were peeved at the Canadians because Washington voter's had approved a bond in the late 60s that spent a lot of money cleaning up water flowing into Washington lakes and Puget Sound and the Straits of Juan de Fuca. And then you had the Canadians sort of defeating the purpose by continuing to dirty the water that salmon swam through.

I believe all these years later the Canadians have finally cleaned up their sewage problem. Not due to any expose on 60 Minutes. but because they feared, with the about to happen Vancouver Winter Olympics, that a fresh burst of bad publicity about the bad Canadian hygienne would be most unfortunate.

Now, how can we shine a similar light, from the outside, on Fort Worth, a light so bright it causes the cockroaches, like Fort Worth Mayor Mike Moncrief and Chesapeake Energy's Aubrey McClendon, to run for the dark, where they need to remain?

1 comment:

  1. Durango--where's the public outrage and outcry over these blatant abuses of public trust, using power of/by/for the people AGAINST the very same people. Now that there's a person and face with detailed stories and evidence showing collusion between corporation and city to steal a citizen of his rights and to rob him of his private property, why is there no expression of even protest against this kind of oppression by the CITIZENS OF FW, TEXAS, USA? Or is the deafening silence confirmation of your characerization of FW as being under fascist rule? I'm starting to agree with you and loking to move because I don't want live around people like these who are willingly giving up their cherished (and highly paid) rights as American citizens. We all know what resulted in previous fascist eras. The people of FW deserve the corrupt government and crooked leadership they have because they chose--by co/mission or o-mission--to allow such a reality to occur. Don't blame the greedy gassers and their gasskissing political buddies for the bills that will come due (e.g. dirty air, lack of water, illnesses, loss of rights and properties, etc.) BECAUSE PREDATORS AND SOCIOPATHS ARE SIMPLY DOING WHAT THEY ARE WIRED (AND ALLOWED) TO DO. Maybe, everyone has submitted to the subtle order to be "citizens of the shale" after all because this does not look like America at all.
