Friday, January 1, 2010

Tandy Hills Manly Man & Wild Women Saturday Hike Reminder

That's a real manly man hiking the Tandy Hills that you're looking at in the picture. I don't know if the manly man in the picture will make it to tomorrow's hike.

Got an email from Don Young reminding me of the MM & WM Saturday Hill Hiking. With some new information.

The 1st Annual Manly Men & Wild Women - Hike the Hills is on for tomorrow, Saturday, January 2, 2010 @ 10 am. Over 30 brave souls have RSVP'd. Everyone is welcome.

Weather forecast looks good: No rain or snow is expected. Mostly sunny, cool and calm to light winds. Dress warmly but be prepared to shed layers. The hills are very steep. You've been warned!

But this hike is not just about exercise. Tandy Hills Natural Area is scenic year-round. In the Winter, with all the leaves and grass down, you can appreciate the lovely contours of the namesake hills, the winding creeks and see into secret places normally hidden from view.

Hiking boots are recommended due to the occasionally rough terrain and damp conditions. As always, bring water. Hot coffee and cocoa will be available at the sign-up tent.

Lunch after the hike at the 8.0 Bar & Restaurant, downtown FW in Sundance Square. Moderately priced menu for all ages and tastes. Meet in the Octopus Room. Dutch treat. Dress... casual.

See you on the prairie!


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