Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year & Penguin Dipping From Texas

New Year's Eve was a very rough night for me. Horrible hangover this morning. Horrible.

Okay, the sad truth is on New Year's Eve I went to bed 4 hours before the New Year began. I'd been feeling ailing all day long, so, before 8, I decided to end the misery and go to bed.

This morning I woke up to find something irritating my eyes real bad. As in stinging. I've decided I'm a victim of my Chesapeake Energy neighboring Barnett Shale gas well.

I got a comment yesterday from Sedro Woolley. That is a town in the Skagit Valley of Washington state. The commenter was my favorite commenter, Anonymous. I also get comments from Sedro Woolley from Miss CVB. Anonymous was not Miss CVB because she's a girl and Anonymous said, "This Sedro Woolley boy is doing this tomorrow. Can't wait!!"

What is it that Anonymous can't wait for? Well, it's the Clear Lake Penguin Dip. Clear Lake is a clear lake near Sedro Woolley. On New Year's Day a lot of people strip down and run into the lake and then get warm by a big fire. A great time is had by all.

So, this morning, with it being the first morning of the New Year, I decided to show solidarity with the Clear Lake Penguin Dip and be there in spirit, if not in body. It also seemed somehow fitting that my first blogging of the New Year include the information that I went in the pool this morning.

It was below freezing at the time. I almost had a bad slipping incident when stepping on a frozen puddle at the pool's edge. That could have been all kinds of bad had I slipped. Next day's news, "Mysterious Death, Body Found Floating In Pool New Year's Day."

I am not starting the New Year with any unusual resolutions. Just the regulars, like lose weight to lose that awful beer belly I've grown in the past couple months. And to go visit my mom and dad in Phoenix.


  1. I am glad that you will soon be visiting your parents in Phoenix.

  2. My eyes burn every day and have for over a year now. It's hard on the mascara.

    When we went to Colorado this summer, I spent 2 weeks in the clean air with no congestion, no sore throat and no burning eyes. It was wonderful!

  3. TXsharon---
    I'm new to the eyes burning. But the last few days have been awful. The last time I drove back to Seattle, the first night was in Pueblo, Colorado and I remember thinking how clean everything looked and so much less litter. I think I'd not been out of Texas for 2 years at that point. When I crossed over the Cascades into Western Washington everything seemed to sparkle and the air smelled so good, scented by all those evergreen trees.
