Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year's Day Walk Around The Fosdic Lake Dam Vision In Fort Worth Texas

By this morning yesterday's New Year's Eve drizzling fog had left town, replaced by our more usual Texas blue sky.

I woke up this morning to find my eyes burning and dripping. Eventually that got better. I don't know what's been in the air the past few days that is doing the irritating, but I don't like it.

By noon I felt the need to commune with nature, so I went to Oakland Lake Park to walk around Fosdic Lake.

I saw several guys fishing today. One of the signs warning you not to eat the fish you catch in Fosdic Lake is behind the fisherman in the picture.

The Fosdic Lake Dam Vision would fix Fosdic Lake, which would then make it possible to eat the fish that swim there and to swim with the fish yourself.

I've rarely seen so many people at Oakland Lake Park as I did today. There were about a dozen kids on the tennis court, not playing tennis, but playing on wheeled devices.

At the start of a new year I always see more people in the parks, acting on their resolution to lose weight and get more exercise. The number of people will quickly dwindle as the resolutions fade.

Several dozen people will be hiking on the Tandy Hills tomorrow, starting at 10am.

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