Monday, January 4, 2010

Aches & Pains & Birds In Chilly Texas

Lots of birds of different feathers flocking together in the cold today at Fosdic Lake in Oakland Lake Park.

There were a pair of seagulls at this inland Fort Worth sea today. I don't see many seagulls in these parts.

We, supposedly, are about to get hit with another Arctic Blast here in North Texas. Winter has barely started, with this one already the worst winter since I've been in Texas. Two snowstorms, so far, with one of them being a blizzard.

I am staying out of the pool all this week. I've been having this chronic sore joints thing for several weeks now, made much worse from being chased by those Wild Women up and down the Tandy Hills on Saturday.

I was stuck in my computer chair this morning from dawn til noon, converting an existing website into a Wordpress based website. I'm almost done with it. Major pain in more ways than one, with none of the pains being worse than how my back felt when I got out of the computer chair to go to Fosdic Lake.

The pain has gone away, for now. Thanks for asking.

I'm hitting the Publish button on this blogging, then I'll be blogging about what I saw after I left Fosdic Lake.


  1. Our weather man got it all wrong on my first day back to school. He said by 10AM all the fog and cold would be gone and it would be bright and sun shiny. I waited and waited, and at 10AM, instead of sun we got SNOW! All the trees were iced over it was rather pretty...although freezing. But by 1PM, the sun appeared and drove away the cold...I hear it's coming your way.

  2. CT2---
    More snow? My rheumatism is going to have me bed ridden if this doesn't let up soon.
