Sunday, January 3, 2010

Manly Men & Wild Women Hike The Hills Video

That's the Queen of Wink Wild Woman chasing behind me yesterday during the Manly Man & Wild Women Hike at the Tandy Hills in Fort Worth's biggest event of the day.

Below is a message from Don Young regarding yesterday's wild hiking and below that is the YouTube video Don is talking about...

Soreness and sunburn aside, The 1st annual Manly Men & Wild Women (& kids & dogs) Hike on the Hills was a roaring success. Participation was much greater than expected. The weather was just right. The company was excellent. The hills and valleys did their job of providing exercise ramps and eye-pleasing vistas.

Thanks again to all you alpha males and females for showing up and supporting Tandy Hills Natural Area. I hope to see you all on January 23rd for the Brush Bash.

Jim Marshall, has put together a nifty little YouTube vid of the MM WW HH event. Check it out here:


  1. Speaking of law breakers, I heard today from the Parks dept. that unleashed dogs are not allowed at Tandy Hills or any other public park. Gas drillers are OK but no dogs.

  2. Geez...hanging out with Ft Worthers could land me in a whole heap of trouble! ;)

    Any time one can point a finger at another, exposing the smallest of infractions, it brings less attention to their own huge errors.

  3. These gasbaggers and their dirtbag government collaborators sure have turned things upside down and backwards--as in "WTF, FTW ?"
