Thursday, December 10, 2009

Trying To Solve The Mystery Of The Oakland Lake Park Clearcut

UPDATE: Clearcut Mystery Solved.

Even though I could not locate my missing long underwear I needed to get outside and breathe in some semi-fresh frigid Fort Worth air.

I decided to go to Oakland Lake Park and walk around Fosdic Lake. As you can see the icy air has Fosdic Lake looking rather scenic today.

The tree you are looking at is marked for extinction with a big red X. Why? I don't know. I think it looks cool. It grew atop the earthen dam that makes Fosdic Lake. Usually trees growing on earthen dams or levees is not a good thing.

The last time I walked across the Fosdic Lake Dam I noticed clearing was being done in the rain forest-like jungle of green that is beneath the dam. You can see a bit of the cleared area and the rain-forest like jungle of green that remains, in the photo below.

We are on Fosdic Lake Dam looking north at a little bit of what's been cleared. Today I decided to explore this new clearing up close and see if I could figure out what's going on.

I found my way into the cleared area and was very surprised at how extensive it is. Someone has done a lot of work, cleared out brush, ivy, chopped down trees. Why? Who? It's very perplexing.

A couple years ago a narrow area was cleared a few feet north of this location so that a new sewer line, I think it was a sewer line, could be stuck in the ground.

The cleared area continues to the east, to a road access.

Above is the the cleared area that leads to the east side of Oakland Lake Park. I could see that vehicles had accessed the cleared area from the west, no sign of tire caused ruts on the east entry point.

And then there were these redrock-looking plugs of cement, randomly arranged like some sort of Caleum Moor art installation on the north edge of the cleared area. It's all very perplexing.


  1. You just come across the most interesting mysteries all the time! It is a rather warm 58 degrees today, made it very nice for a brisk jaunt through the football stands. :)

  2. You are 20 degrees hotter than me, in more ways than one. As for mysteries that seem to come my way, I dunno, they are attracted to me, like magnets.
