Thursday, December 10, 2009

Continuing Freeze In Fort Worth Breaks Tooth

That's the frozen view from my computer room window this 2nd Thursday of December. It is 26 outside the window this morning coming up on 10 o'clock.

It was 21 at the time I usually venture outside for a nice refreshing dip in the pool. 21 degrees would be way too refreshing.

I may try to go to the Tandy Hills Natural Sanatorium Area today if I can find my long underwear.

I'm in a pretty foul mood this morning due to waking up to find that somehow during the night one of my molars seems to have developed a problem, as in a bit of tooth is missing. I have had this happen before, but not in a long long time.

I hate going to the dentist less than I hate going to a doctor, but not that much less.

As you can see in our Fort Worth 7-Day Forecast, below, in addition to looking forward to a dentist visit I have an almost 70 degree day to look forward to, this Sunday. If this forecast is correct today is the last we freeze for at least 6 days.

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