Friday, December 11, 2009

Back To Balmy December Swimming In Fort Worth Texas With Video

That freezing temperatures nonsense is now behind us, for now, here in almost balmy Fort Worth, Texas.

So, I decided to give swimming a try this morning. Before I tried that I found a video I made last December, that I'd forgotten about, documenting that I was still swimming.

A year ago this seemed unusual to me, to still be swimming. Now it no longer seems unusual.

The quality of the video I made last December is real bad. For several months I was using my video camcorder with a setting that made for bad video. This affected all the video I shot when I was up in Washington a few months prior to the December swimming video.

About a month after figuring out why my video quality was so bad I got a new camera. I don't think I've made any videos since then.

It's been a couple hours since I subjected myself to an ice bath. I'm still a bit in recovery mode from that.

Anyway, below is video taken a little over a year ago, really bad video...


  1. CT2----Who is this Waldo of whom you speak?

  2. Oh, darlin'...could Waldo be a regional thing? I thought everyone knew about Waldo. Here ya go:

  3. CT2---I think I may have heard of Waldo. I looked at the website you directed me to and saw a cartoon-like figure wearing a stocking cap that resembles mine. I assume that was Waldo.

  4. I think you should call that "wading" not swimming, Dango. :P

    Did you not have a childhood!? Where's Waldo was only one of the best, time-consuming, awesome things to do in school. I still enjoy trying to find Waldo on occasion.

  5. Jovo----I can't swim. Don't make fun of my "swimming."

    You're correct. I had no childhood, so Where's Waldo was missing from it.

  6. Dango, you can't swim!? :( You have been deprived of far too much. No Waldo OR being able to swim!? Well. You can just keep "swading" and I'll not be mean lol. You're far braver than me anyways, I wouldn't swim in this weather though I love swimming.

  7. Jovo----Well, every once in awhile when I'm wading fast my feet will slightly get off the pool bottom and at that point I tell myself I am swimming. Don't deprive yourself of cold swimming til you try it. The secret is you have to be really fat, that gives me the insulation I need and also lets me float easily in the water, which I also call swimming, though, technically, I'm just an obese blob bobbing in the water.

  8. I like Waldo's travel tips, I believe you and Waldo have a bit in common...traveling, boyish charm, stocking cap...and I've never seen Waldo swim. Hmmm

  9. Hahahahahahaha. You're neither obese nor a blob. But I guess I'll try it out now. I'll even wade in your honor. :p. Sounds very refreshing. I happen to love cold so seems natural for me.

  10. CT2---Thanks for thinking I have boyish charm. I've never heard that before.

    Jovo---I can't imagine where you get the idea I'm not an obese blob. What I've found is if the temp does not get below 50 during a 24 hour period, swimming is doable. It takes about 2 minutes to adjust to the water. Under 50 it gets more difficult. Below freezing and I'm in the water and into the hottub within a minute.
