Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Freezing Again In Fort Worth With Carrot Sweet Potato Bacon Pea Soup

You are standing on the Handley Post Office parking lot, with me, in the picture, looking a bit northwest at one of the 820/30 flyover passes that were rendered invisible due to fog 2 days ago.

If we are looking northwest that would indicate the flag is pointing to the south and being hit by a very stiff breeze from the north.

Last night when I last looked at the temperature it was 65. When I saw the temperature this morning, at 6, it was 29. Since then it dropped to 26 with a 19 degree Wind Chill. Since we hit that low we've bounced back to a balmy 29 with a Wind Chill of 25.

Anyone want to make a guess as to whether I went swimming this morning?

I've been making a lot of soup, of late, in an attempt to reverse my unsightly, decreased activity caused, weight gain.

Today's is Carrot Sweet Potato Bacon Pea Soup.

Now, I know it would seem that adding bacon to a soup is counter-intuitive to the weight loss thing. But, I bake the bacon in the oven, hence the name, rendering out most of the fat. Then it gets rinsed with hot water with paper towels sopping up some more bacon fat.

That is the Carrot Soup simmering in the picture. Lunch will be around 1. I'm also making bacon cornbread muffins. Don't be late or you won't get a muffin.


  1. After all your cold swimming talk, you're telling me you DIDN'T swim!? Shame on you. I can't really judge you because I didn't go for my run this morning because I stepped outside and I wanted to die. Bleh.

    Okay, so I'm a huge nerd, and when I saw your soup picture, I immediately though, "what the heck is Dango doing with cultures of stained bacteria!?" I realized that you most likely don't have access to dyes and bacterial stocks ... I just assume that since I do, other people must as well!!! Ha!

    Your soup sounds yummy, you should post your recipe because I want to make it, fat included!

  2. Yeah, I did not swim. I've decided when the temp is below freezing it's too cold.

    That soup pic looks disgusting now that you've put the cultures of stained bacteria image in my head.

    I don't follow recipes.

    For the Carrot Sweet Potato Bacon Pea Soup I chopped up 7 big carrots, 2 sweet potatoes, 1 onion & 5 cloves of garlic. Covered it all with water. Brought to a boil, then reduced the heat to a simmer. When the veggies were ready I used a spud masher to, well, mash it all up.

    While the above stuff was being cooked I thawed a bag of frozen peas in the microwave and baked a package of bacon in the oven.

    When the mashed up veggies were simmered enuf I added the peas and crumbled up bacon, plus some skim milk. Added a little brown sugar and salt til it all tasted right.

    Turned off the burner, left a lid on the mess, then walked away til lunch time.

    Today I'm making chili.

  3. I'm sorry for ruining your delicious soup picture, haha. I told you, I'm a nerd, not my fault. If anything you almost scored massive cool points for having bacterial cultures.

    You soup sounds effing delicious. I'm definitely going to try my hand at making it sometime this week. Though I'll be using the fat and such from the bacon and heavy cream instead of skim milk. Psh, I still have a few years left in my metabolism, yet!

    What's with all the wintery comfort foods?

  4. Jovo----
    It's cold, hence the wintery comfort foods.
