Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Energized By Carrot Sweet Potato Bacon Pea Soup I Hike The Tandy Hills

Today has been all mixed up from my usual tightly organized schedule. Freezing temperatures, along with wind, kept me from even considering my usual early morning, neither rain nor sleet nor dark of night shall stop me, swim.

And then, when the usual time came when I escape to the outdoors to do something aerobic, events conspired to prevent that from happening.

My Carrot Sweet Potato Bacon Pea Soup lunch was put off til almost 2.

After lunch I needed to go to the bank to do some depositing. The bank is right by the Tandy Hills Natural Sanatorium Area. Even though I hiked the Tandy Hills yesterday, in shorts and no shirt, in 70 degree plus temperatures, I thought I'd get myself all insulated in winter wear, including gloves, and brave the wind, as you can see in the picture.

The afternoon light makes the Tandy Hills look different than the noon light when the sun is high in the sky.

I got gas yesterday, but it was not convenient to call my mom. Usually the drive-through at the bank is a semi-long wait. So, I made my tardy mom gas call then. But no answer. There are way too many fun things in the Phoenix zone that keep them way too busy. My mom will likely call back this evening. I won't hear the phone ring. Mom will then leave a message that I won't notice til tomorrow morning. It's a vicious cycle.

The Scrabble Queen of Washington had gone missing for a few days, lost in Seattle doing Christmas shopping. I just got a Facebook message telling me she is home and has Scrabbled. This means I will be needing to do the most serious hard thinking I've done in a few days.

I'll likely get a headache.


  1. You look all bundled up...was it really that cold today?

  2. Yes ma'am, it really was that cold. As in very.

  3. Was it your carrot and pea soup that gave you gas, Big D.?

  4. Anonymous---
    The gas I was referring to was gas in my vehicle, not gas in me. I call my mom whenever I get gas to tell her how much it cost. It's all we ever talk about.

  5. We've warmed up to a balmy 46, so I'm only a little jealous.
