Monday, December 14, 2009

Having Myself An Email Deletion Party In Texas

I've had me a day. Due to the balmy temperatures going in the pool this morning did not cause a near cardiac arrest. Hiking the Tandy Hills was great.

About 3, or so, Bob the Cockroach Man showed up for a regular inspection. My Cockroach Collection is way smaller than when the invasion was in full George Bush mode. Today a gel was stuck in key locations, I suppose to snag the few remaining stragglers.

After Bob the Cockroach Man left I replied to an email, answering a question that had me looking through old emails. There were maybe 100 or so from this particular person. Let's call her The Unstoppable Woman.

I was looking for a password for The Unstoppable Woman so I could change her DNS settings so her website would be moved to my new host.

I've used the computer I'm on right now since 2004. I've rarely deleted an incoming email. Or a sent email. I always tell myself I should go through the email and delete most of it, but then decide it would be an odious time consuming task. That and what's the harm of having thousands of emails? With attachments?

So, I started in on deleting The Unstoppable Woman's email, hoping to find the one that had the password I needed. And then I kept on going.

All was going fine til I got to the Alma email. Alma is my favorite songbird singing on the Texas Gulf Coast. Alma sends a lot of big attachments, videos, pictures. I selected a lot of the Alma email to be deleted, hit the delete button. And waited. It took over a half hour to delete that batch of Alma email.

After that I seemed to have lost control of Outlook Express and my computer.

So, I re-started. After the re-start I continued with the deletion fest. Only at a more gingerly pace. I got Alma all cleaned up. Then I ran in to Tootsie Tonasket. There were over 4000 emails from Tootsie Tonasket since 2004. Tootsie sends few attachments, so the Tootsie deletion went quickly.

After that it was fairly smooth sailing. An hour or so later I had the Inbox cleaned up. And then I realized the Sent Items had a lot of emails in it. But those are ones I send, few attachments, not nearly as many emails as the Inbox. So, that went fast.

Outlook Express is seeming happier. But I'm sure by tomorrow I'm going to be wanting to find an email that I've now deleted. That's usually how things seem to go.


  1. edit>select all> delete>edit>empty deleted items folder>yes. I turn off the switch in my head that says keep 'em. It's probably similar to the switch in your head that says don't jump in that water, are you crazy? same thing. when it pipes up ignore it.

  2. Twister---Thank you for trying to be helpful. But I could not select all in the inbox for 2 reasons. 1. I, did not want to delete all. 2, it took a half hour just to delete some of Alma's emails. After that I did the deletions in batches. When I was done with the inbox you will be happy to know I used ctrl-a to select all in the deleted items folder to do the final deletion.
