Tuesday, November 3, 2009

We Are Busy Getting Drunk At The Durangrilla Bar In Durango Texas Tonight

There is a town in Texas, down Waco way, called Durango. I did not know there was a Durango, Texas when I moved to Texas. My Internet nickname was Durango long before Texas came across my radar screen.

I just got an email from Moby Dick, who says he, or she, is a "traveler who likes to explore Texas."

Miss or Mr. Dick asked me, "Are you from Durango, TX? Do you live in Durango, TX? Have you been to the Durangrilla Bar in Durango?"

I answered "NO" to all 3 of Moby Dick's questions.

When I learned there was a town in Texas named after me I had to go check it out, and so I did. And then I made a webpage about it. I had not thought to look, for quite some time, but I just Googled "Durango Texas" and was appalled to see my webstuff overwhelms the actual town of Durango. I guess this explains why I get questions like "Do Harriet McBee still live in Durango?"

I barely hit the publish post button when I heard back from Moby Dick. Here is what he/she said (I don't think he/she has seen the blog, so he/she is unaware of the gender confusion)

I checked out your web page....so here's an update.

A buddy of mine owns some property about 3 miles away from Durango (we both live in Dallas) so when we take the boys down to camp at his farm, we always eat at what is now known as "Durangril-la" ( I guess a bad play on Shangrilla) but it's the same place as the Durango Inn you show in your web page. They actually have a damn good hamburger and, of course, ice cold beer. One of the best things on the menu (you should make another trip) are the "white wings". These are a small chicken breast strip wrapped around a jalapeno pepper and that whole thing is wrapped in bacon and deep fried. They are about the size of a billiard ball, maybe slightly smaller. Damn, those are good! Happy travels.

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