Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bill Gates & His Microsoft Minions Took Over My Computer Last Night

When I woke my computer up this morning I was not happy to see that none of the programs I'd left running were still running. I could tell the computer had been re-started because the WeatherBug window was open, which it always is on a re-start, til I close it.

Then a little message balloon popped up telling me that critical security updates had been installed which required the computer to be re-started. I clicked on the balloon to see what these updates were, but the balloon went away without telling me.

The normal procedure for Windows XP updates is I'm told they've been downloaded and are ready to install. I then hit the install now button.

Usually the critical Microsoft Windows XP security updates say something like an issue has been discovered that could allow someone to take over your computer, this update fixes that issue. It's worded totally different than that, but I've got the drift of the message right.

I find it very ironic that the only entity I am aware of that takes over my computer, without my permission, is Microsoft. Isn't this some sort of crime? Or should be. I think Bill Gates needs to do some hard time behind bars again.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I use the same term (micros**t minions) to refer to the managed-desktop staff at work. Stooges.
