Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Bluest Skies I've Ever Seen Are In Texas At Fosdic Lake In Fort Worth

I used to think the bluest skies I've ever seen were in Seattle, with the hills the greenest green, but today I'm thinking Texas is being bluer and greener than Seattle. It is definitely warmer and less cloudy.

I stayed in the pool for a long time this morning. The water did not feel as if it had been heated up all that much from yesterday's 75 degrees. It's that warm out there again, today, at 1pm. Windows open.

My power bill was only $18.92 last month. I think something must be wrong with the meter.

I spent all morning in Twitterland, ignoring my blogging duties, well, sort of ignoring them. At noon I had to get out of here. So I did. I went to Oakland Lake Park to walk around Fosdic Lake. No matter how many times I've walked around Fosdic Lake I've never found Oakland Lake. There really aren't a lot of places it could be hiding.

Now, you had to admit, don't you, Fosdic Lake is one serene looking lake. With no wind ruffling its surface, today Fosdic Lake was like a mirror. I didn't need to tell you that, you can see it yourself in the picture above.

The temperature was being so perfect the Fosdic Lake turtles were having themselves a real fine time basking in the sun. I'd never seen so many of them lined up on one log. And today they weren't being all jittery when I stood there taking pictures of them. Only a couple of the turtles jumped in the water. Usually they all bail ship, one by one.

1 comment:

  1. Woah! Those turtles are way cool. --Annie

    It's been sun shiny here as well, but sadly no water to catch a reflection in, unless you count the 1000's of gallons leaked late last night into Wink's streets.
