Monday, November 2, 2009

The Tandy Hills Have Dried Out Somewhat From The October Texas Deluges

Today was the first I've been to the Tandy Hills Natural Sanatorium Area in weeks, due to the deluges of October.

The endorphins released by hill hiking have greatly improved my dire outlook.

Fall has fallen harder since the last time I saw the foliage on the hills.

The hills were still a bit wet, but I had no mud issues. I did have an issue where I was chased by a pack of 3 dogs. They probably just wanted to be petted.

I tried to find the Witchey Tree and the Death Van to no avail. I followed what I thought the van's course was, took a left and headed west at the point where I thought the driver would have lost control and careened down the steep ravine. But, I found no Witchey Tree or Death Van. I did get bit by some bugs. That rarely happens to me.

It is day 2 of November and there are still wildflowers coloring up the Tandy Hills. I don't remember when the first freeze happens here in Texas.

I heard from one of my Washington corespondents this morning. She was east of the mountains, that is Washington speak, meaning she was east of the Cascade Mountains, in the Tri-Cities, where she said it was 27 this morning. I'm at 75 right now at 2 in the afternoon in Fort Worth.

The pool should be a pleasant temperature tomorrow morning.


  1. You never know about them doggies, do ya? Very nice pictures of the Hills :)

  2. Was nice to be back on the hills. I don't think I've been there since 2 days after you were.
