Saturday, November 14, 2009

Finding Christmas Trees On The Tandy Hills Along With Purple Wildflowers

That is my Christmas tree you see in the foreground on the left. It's in the middle of the Tandy Hills Natural Area. It will be quite a difficult task to haul it out of there, but I like nothing more than a difficult challenge.

As you can see the leaves continue to put on a colorful show. We have not gotten close to having a freeze here in balmy North Texas. Right now, at 3 in the afternoon, on Saturday, we are scorching at 78.

Even though I went swimming this morning, I am going to go again as soon as I finish this blogging. I can not remember the last time I went swimming in the afternoon. It will feel very unnatural. In the pool with the sun overhead instead of the moon.

On Monday, Fort Worth's corrupt mayor, Mike Moncrief, aka Boss Hogg, is going to plant the official Fort Worth Christmas tree in its stand somewhere in the Sundance Square zone in downtown Fort Worth. It seems a little early to be putting up a Christmas tree, but that's what I read this morning, on Monday it goes up.

For you non-Fort Worthians, Sundance Square is what Fort Worth calls the core of its downtown. There really is no square, just some parking lots. It is a pretty pedestrian downtown. I've never figured out why someone felt the need to name it Sundance Square. Or why, if they felt compelled to use the "Square" word, why not actually have a Square?

It is very perplexing.

I forgot to mention. It is almost the middle of November and there are still wildflowers coloring up the Tandy Hills! I do not remember this last year. As you can see the wildflower I saw today is a very delicate little purple thing.

Okay, I am out of here for a bit, to go cool down in some cool water.

1 comment:

  1. The nice thing about parking lots at Sundance Square is they can alway make it something interesting later without too much trouble.
