Sunday, November 15, 2009

Deep Fried Thanksgiving Turkey In Texas

I had never heard of Deep Fried Turkey til I moved to Texas. I knew all sorts of unlikely things get the deep fried treatment in Texas, but I thought it was some sort of joke when deep frying a turkey was first mentioned to me.

And then I was in Krogers and saw stacks of Turkey Fryer kits, next to jugs of peanut oil. So, I bought a Turkey Frying kit. It came with a high-powered burner, a 34 quart pot, a turkey stand and turkey lifter, thermometer and injector.

I've never used the injector. You use it to squirt marinades into the bird.

Before I had my first taste of deep-fried turkey I assumed it would be real greasy. I was wrong. There is not even the slightest hint of greasiness. The turkey comes out the most golden brown I've ever seen a turkey be. With the meat very moist.

You have to fry the turkey outdoors. Don't even think of frying it in your garage. A covered patio is the best location. You'll want to get yourself some heavy duty work gloves to insulate yourself from the heat and the burn of splatters.

You heat the oil to about 350 degrees, then slowly lower the turkey. You use the lifter to lower and raise the turkey. There will be some splattering when the bird first hits the oil.

The turkey cooks way faster than the old-fashioned in the oven method. Figure about 3.5 minutes per pound. The turkey is done when the thermometer reads 160 degrees when stuck into the thickest part of the breast.

Keep kids and pets away from the frying operation. When the turkey is done be sure to turn off the burner. It will take awhile for the oil to cool. It remains dangerous until it cools. You can re-use the peanut oil if you filter out the turkey remnants.

It is less than 2 weeks til Turkey Day. I still have 2 seats open for Thanksgiving if you want to make a reservation for Deep Fried Turkey Dinner.


  1. OH! AND be sure to make sure the turkey is completely thawed OR it will explode! upon impact with hot peanut oil. Don't ask me how I know this.

  2. I'm frying a turkey for Thanksgiving!!! I'm introducing it to all of my Fort Carson buddies and possibly all of Colorado.

    If you pat the turkey down with a paper towel and make it extra dry on the outside it will get extra crispy and delicious. Soaking in brine for like 2 days beforehand also makes the turkey extra tasty.

  3. no more frying turkey in hot oil. now'days I'm using the infrared fryer called the Big Easy.

  4. Thanks for sharing this ideas on how to fry a turkey for thanksgiving. I appreciate this and I will try this at home too. What turkey marinades did you apply here?
