Sunday, November 15, 2009

Middle Of November Sunday Storming In Texas

That's my stormy 4 in the afternoon view this mid-November Sunday in Texas. There has been some dripping, no hard rain. And, so far, none of the predicted thunderstorming.

I was in the pool this morning when the sky was relatively blue. And again about an hour ago when the sky was relatively not blue.

After the afternoon swimming I lounged on a lounge chair. Tootsie Tonasket called. I talked to Tootsie til little pinpricks of concentrated cold started hitting me.

I have convinced Tootsie Tonasket to start blogging. She has many tales to tell about the town she lives in in Eastern Washington and the characters who reside there. We'll see how that goes.

Earlier today, in anticipation of the expected incoming deluge, I went over to Miss Puerto Rico's to help her put a new cover on her jeep. That quickly turned into a boondoggle. Today I realized every time I've tried to help Miss Puerto Rico do something with her jeep it turns into a boondoggle. Today I really could not even tell what problem we were trying to solve.

So, that's been my Sunday in Texas. Possibly a tornado to top off the day.

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