Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Arabic Christian Fellowship Christian Life Center Of Fort Worth

For years I have been driving on Brentwood Stair Road on my way to Village Creek Natural Historic Area. I have seen the building you see in the picture, set a couple hundred feet north of the road, a short distance east of the Chesapeake Energy drilling site and poison water pond I mentioned a couple days ago.

In all the years of driving by this building I had not noticed that it is a church, despite the cross on top of the roof. And I had not noticed the signage on the building identifying the church as "Arabic Christian Fellowship--A Christian Life Center."

It impresses me that there are enough Arab Christians in east Fort Worth to have a big church. Now some people erroneously think all Arabs are Muslim. There is an Iraqi Christian sect. I don't know how well they get along with the Sunnis and the Shiites.

Due to the recent Muslim terrorist act at Fort Hood there has been a lot of "all Muslims are not evil" type rhetoric. But, I can't help but notice that when a Muslim does a bad deed, in the name of Allah, there does not seem to be any outcry from the good Muslims denouncing what the bad Muslim did. At least, not that I've seen or heard.

The Muslim religion is fragmented into sects, some of whom hate each other. Does a sect, like the Sunnis have a pope-like leader? If so, why does the Sunni pope not tell his people that it is wrong to murder a Shiite girl because she had a Sunni boyfriend? Has there been a Muslim leader who says Osama bin Laden is a bad man?

Then again, the Christians have quite a history of intolerance too. I recollect there was a time when the Protestants and Catholics in Ireland were busy killing each other. That seems to have stopped. Did the Pope tell them to knock it off?

How come all the good Muslims don't insist that the radical Islamists be banned, kicked out of the mosques? Why isn't all that suicide bombing those people seem to enjoy so much not loudly denounced by the leaders of Islam?

I'm really starting to think that if the Muslims do not start behaving in a more civilized manner that maybe it is time to go Medieval on them. Whatever that means.

It's all very perplexing. I would be embarrassed about my religion if I were a good Muslim.


  1. We live around here.
    I remember when that building was built...the church is probably LEASING that space.

    I didn't remember the Arabic Christian Fellowship name (I knew it was -some kind- of Christian Fellowship), but the wife insists it's always been that.

    We're thinking it's been there about 5 or 6 years.

  2. I believe that children are our future. The key to everybody getting along is more inter-religious sects. Sects are good--for human relations and for the future. The more Muslims sects with the Christians, and so on, the more children from different sects which means there could be better relations since the children are products of various sects and therefore could be related and maybe will view each other as brothers and sisters instead of as s.o.b.'s and such. Sects are good. Religious sects could be even better!!Your friend--BillyHill (p.s. I met my wife at a family reunion and I can assure you that we all get along real well cuz we have a bunch of religious sects at them reunions.)

  3. I have attended this church a while ago and it is a Christian Baptist church with an Arabic speaking service. I do not appreciate you using this church or any church for that matter to support your anti-Muslim (or anti-arab) stance. Not all Arabs are Muslim or terrorists because of their culture. I respect that you have an opinion, however I ask that you do not use a language based church that you do not identify with to support it.
